It shows how people make judgments based on incomplete and ambiguous information... about cognitive biases... for predictable mental errors caused by simplified information processing strategies. (Heuer Junior)

Of the diverse problems that impede accurate intelligence analysis, those inherent in human mental processes are surely among the most important and most diicult to deal with. Intelligence analysis is fundamentally a mental process, but understanding this process is hindered by the lack of conscious awareness of the workings of our own minds.

A basic inding of cognitive psychology is that people have no conscious experience of most of what happens in the human mind. Many functions associated with perception, memory, and information processing are conducted prior to and independently of any conscious direction. What appears spontaneously in consciousness is the result of thinking, not the process of thinking.

Weaknesses and biases inherent in human thinking processes can be demonstrated through carefully designed experiments. hey can be alleviated by conscious application of tools and techniques that should be in the analytical tradecraft toolkit of all intelligence analysts.

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“When we speak of improving the mind we are usually referring to the acquisition of information or knowledge, or to the type of thoughts one should have, and not to the actual functioning of the mind. We spend little time monitoring our own thinking and comparing it with a more sophisticated ideal.” (James L. Adams, Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas (New York: W.W. Norton, second edition, 1980), p. 3.)

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hai semuaaa (ah, macam rame aja yg liat blogmu ini brur)!!!! gini oh, makcudku gini loh: cause cekarang2 lagi acik2nya nganalisis lagi coal2 dunia intelijen atawa dinas rahasia makanja akuw kepengen ngutilin tulisan di atas tercebut. s'kalian pula upaya nge-dor keyword in english parole langage. sekalian barangsekali ada pula yang tertarik nak baca buku ini. zudulnya: Psychology of Intelligence Analysis by Richards J. Heuer, Jr. diterbidkan ku: CENTER for the STUDY of INTELLIGENCE, Central Intelligence Agency, 1999.

yups sebuah panduan utk analis2 intelijen berbakat di kantor2 resmi pemerintah resminya. tapi gaya juga 'kan kalo elo punya minat baca2 pocket book buat agen2 bin, bakin gini. bahkan sejauh yang saya lihat sekilas dus se-mengertinya ini zuga udah level intermediate bagi tingkatan manajer atau supervisor-nya (ah, kayak supermarket aza niy). menariknya buku bapak heuer ini lebih berpizak pada analisis psikologisnya (bukan teknik menculik anak gadis misalnya); atau secara konkret bagi kehidupanmu ya ini adalah sebuah buku yang menganalisa tentang "hubungan" antarpribadi manusia secara "argumentasi ilmiah", lebih tepatnya nanti: hingga ke mengendalikan proses komunikasinya. nah bagi nan minat silakan cari sendiri atau email guwa kalo ndak dapek sebab catatan link download langsung ku takpunya. jangan kuatir: ekey sendiri juga baru baca lengkap chapter hijinya hihihihi4X dan ndak ngerti2 amir juga sich. prinsipnya untuk menikmati membaca ini adalah kamu kudu punya kemampuan teknis (bhs inggris), substantif (modal pengetahuan terkait materi ini sebelumnya), dan apresiatif (suka atau cinta bidang ini). oks, bye,,, mmmmuahhh,,,,,


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